Experience, Know-how and rigor guarantee the answer.
In 2019, DOORWORK SERVICES, LDA. appears a new group structure whose main purpose is to respond to the after-sales market. Empowered with highly techinical team, DOORWORK SERVICES assumes, together with its customer, the ability and knowledge to be able to intervene in the various types of doors and automatisms, either in a preventive or corrective way. Its operations are aimed at all sectors of Retail, Distribution, Industry and even the Domestic, always living up to its slogan Time is our speciality, and therefone fulfilling its role as an authentic partner in choosing the solution and compatible option with the client’s conditions and needs. Because Time is our speciality, DW SERVICES guarantees the answer, the solution, and the commitment.
Time is our speciality
DW SERVICES guarantees the answer, the solution, and the commitment.